

1 吉村流の上方舞・地唄舞は 、代々継承されてきた本邦固有の古典舞踊です。この技芸と振付を、京都御所の舞指南・御狂言師たる吉村流の格式と伝統を保持しつつ、これを普及・発展させ、以てわが国の文化芸術の振興に寄与することを目的にしております。

2 当法人は、前項の目的を達成するため、次の事業を行います。

  • (1)上方舞の実技・理論の教授及び後継者の育成
  • (2)上方舞の舞踊公演会及び講習会の企画・開催
  • (3)吉村流の振付・演出及び上演に必要な扇子・衣裳・小道具等の伝承
  • (4)上記事業に関わる、普及・広報活動及び他の芸術・芸能団体との交流
  • (5)その他、前各号の目的を達成するために必要な事業







Jiutamai is one of the traditional dances accompanied by jiuta (old songs in the Kyoto and Osaka area sung to the accompaniment of shamisen or koto). Not only jiuta but many other kinds of music like kamigatauta, icchubushi, tokiwazu, and nagauta are used as accompaniment to jiutamai. Zashikimai is a term used because it was danced in a zashiki (a Japanese-style salon) in the Imperial Palace or in a tea-house during the Edo period.

Jiutamai is mainly danced alone with a sensu (folding fan), which symbolically expresses a range of things, from a stick or a candlestick to natural phenomenon. Turning the body is the main movement. Jiutamai expresses elegant, quiet beauty, handling a folding fan technically and sometimes jumping. It reveals a psychological portrait with a refined and controlled expression.

Repertoires of Yoshimura school's dance pieces are divided by themes: hongyomono (narrative, derived from "Noh" Theater), tsuyamono (lyrical, depicting tales of love and loss), and sakumono (characteristic, a kind of comical pantomime).

Among the many jiutamai (kamigatamai) schools, the Yoshimura, Umemoto, Yamamura and Inoue schools are the four main schools of kamigatamai.